The above picture was made by David Corbell a.k.a. Freehand.
Warning my stories are not normally graphic or are consider romantic -majority of times. My poetry doesn't follow the normal rhyming sequences since I don't believe that poetry should rhyme.
I believe in people being themselves and that you should not judge others by their initial appearance. Everyone is unique in their own way and we should be tolerant of these differences.
This page wouldn't exist except for my bestfriend Brian whose idea was that I needed a place to display my works. So you can either blame him for the wasted bandwidth or thank him. Not to confuse people about my bestfriend's identity, it isn't the same Brian I gave credit for the graphic. This one remains anonymous and only a few really knows who he is. Although the other Brian is a very close friend to, there is only one Brian who happens to be my crazy bestfriend whom I am allowed to abuse and be abused by!
The choice is yours since words are arbitrary to people. It's a freedom of choice that we should be able to make.