"The Affair of a Lifetime"

It was a special time in both of their lives,
But they did not realized it was that-until the very end.
They met during a rough time in both of their lives.
For one of them, it was the beginning of things
But for the other it was the middle of her life.
They grew to love each other,
From their very first meeting.
Like all two people,
They had their fights and arguments.
But they still respected each other's beliefs,
Despite what they may have said to other people.
People said they had "the perfect relationship",
But they felt otherwise.
This went on for a couple of decades.
But one day she suddenly became very ill.
She had to be hospitalized when she lost conscious,
And was in critical condition.
He spent many hours at her side,
With many sleepless days and nights that followed him.
He loved her very much,
And wanted at least one more time to tell her again.
Then one day, he finally got his chance to say,
"Mom dear, I have always loved you, so very much.
You are the best mother anybody can have-in the whole-wide world!"
Then she suddenly spoke very quietly,
"My dearest baby boy, I am so proud of you;
And I have always loved you since the very first time I was allowed to see and hold you.
You are my pride and joy!"
Then he bent his head to kiss her on the cheek,
And realized those were her final words to him.
He kissed her cheeks and held her warm hands to his face,
And stood there with tears rolling down his face.

August 19th 1984.