"Enigma" 8/4/96

Who is this dark haired, petite female,
That has entered in your life?
She remains a mystery to everyone she touches.
No one really seems to grasp her soul,
As she flutters in and out of people's lives-
Touching their being.
For once they are caught up in her web,
Their lives will never be the same.
They are struck by her fraility,
But most of all by her unique ability
To accept themselves as is.
No one can capture her spirit,
Since she will move on if she thinks you are too close to her.
She can keep you guessing about her,
And yet she has the ability to know who you are deep down.
She can show you sides to things,
That you may not have realize existed.
For she is an enigma,
Who has grace your life for this moment in time.